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Grade 10
ENG 10 Shakespeare Inquiry Project
(Price, Duttchen, Kokubun, McJannet, Taylor, Demers)
FOODS 10 Controversial Foods (Robichaud)
SCI 10 Biomes "Dude, You Gotta Move" (Harwood)
Auto 10 : Racing (Ryall)
SS 10: History of British Columbia and Western Canada (St-Pierre)
ENG 10"
The Cage
"- Holocaust (Kokubun)
Sciences Humaines 10
: Histoire de la Colombie-Britanniqueet l'ouest canadien (St-Pierre)
English 10: Novel Study (Ms. Price)
SS 10: Confederation (Mr. Walker)
Planning 10: Health Issues for Teenagers (Ms. Booth)
Planning 10: Protecting Reputations Online & Facebook Security
Socials Studies 10: Defend Your Right (Duttchen)
Social Studies 10: Settlement of Western Canada (Duttchen)
Science 10: Astronomy Project (Blaikie)
Socials 10: World War 1 Newspaper Project (Zaron)
English 10: Merchant of Venice Project (Mr. Demers)
Math 10AW: Careers in Math
Social Studies 10: World War 1 Exhibition (Ms. Hornstein)
Grade 11
Foods 11 Special Diets
Spanish 11 Dia de los Muertos (Shannon)
English 11 Argumentative Essay
(Taylor, Demers, McRae, McJannet)
Spanish 11 Children's Story Book (Shannon)
Spanish 11 Restaurant Project (Shannon)
Socials 11 1930s Newspaper (McRae)
Socials 11 World War II Project (McRae)
Socials 11 World War I in Pictures & Quotes (Lafreniere)
English 11 Book Trailers Project (Mrs. Duttchen)
English First Book Trailers Project (Mr. Demers)
Art 10-12 Famous Artists & Movements
EFP 10/11/12 Changemaker Project (Price)
English 11 Memories Project (Mrs. Taylor)
Foods 10/11/12 Be the Change Project (Mrs. Robichaud)
EFP 10/11/12 Squamish Estuary Project (Demers, Price)
Chemistry 11: How Does Chemistry Affect our Everyday Life? (Geller)
Socials Studies 11: World War II (Walker)
Social Studies 10 & 11: World War II - "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words" (Mrs. Duttchen)
Foods 10/11/12: Food Truck Project (Ms. Way, Ms. Imbeau)
Foods 10/11/12: Farm to Table Project (Ms. Way, Ms. Imbeau)
Foods 10/11/12: Nutrition Research (McRae)
Social Studies 11: World War II "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words" (Mrs. Duttchen)
Textiles 10/11/12: Project Runway Upcycled Clothing (Ms. Way)
Foods 10/11/12: Farm to Table Project ( Mr. McRae)
English First Peoples Argumentative Essay (Price, Lafreniere)
EFP 10/11/12: Argumentative Essay on Social Justice Issues (Mrs. Hoskin,
Mrs. Droulis)
Environmental Science 11 & Sciences Humaines- Detecting Bias in News Sources (Mrs. Cormack, Mme. Peleman)
Environmental Science 11 & Sciences Huamines- Evaluating Websites (Mrs. Cormack, Mme. Peleman)
Socials 11: Canadian Identity Project
(How to Identify the Difference Between Primary and Secondary Sources of Information)
Grade 12
Social Justice 12 & Psychology 12: Gender Bias in Media (Lafreniere, Roy)
History 12: War Crimes (Lafreniere)
Auto 11/12: Racing (Ryall)
History 12: Holocaust Inquiry Project (Lafreniere)
Psychology 12: Branches of Psychology (Lafreniere)
Social Justice 12 Political Platforms (Lafreniere)
History 12: War Crimes (Walker)
History 12: World War II (Mr. Walker)
Geography 12: Population Project (Mrs. Lafreniere)
BC First Nations 12: Residential Schools Project (Lafreniere)
FRAL 12 - Café Croissant Humanitarian Causes
Social Justice 12: Poverty Inquiry Project (Lafreniere)
English 12: Infographic Creation Assignment (Mrs. Taylor, Mr. McJannet)
English First Peoples 12: Book Trailers Project (Ms. Rowley)
Introduction to Tourism: Capstone Project (Mr. Gill)
Psychology 12: Infographic on Philip Zimbardo (Ms. Booth)