Follet EBookshelf
Howe Sound Secondary has many ebooks in our collection. To view our bookshelf and download a title, click on the Follet ebook icon.
To get set up to download an ebook, you need to do the following:
1.First you need to first create a user account in Destiny. Your librarian will help you do this! 2. Then you need to download the BryteWave app to the device you'd like to read it on. Please click on the BryteWave icon to download this free program. You will only need to do these steps the first time you use the ebooks. |
Gale Virtual Reference Library
To access these reference books, click on the cover of the book you'd like to read. If you are accessing these titles from home, you will need to use the same username and password as the Gale Databases. Please ask the librarian for this information if you need it!
The following titles are available: